A genuine beginning…?
A genuine beginning…?

A genuine beginning…?

Part 1
Since the time I started my career, I had one point clear in my mind – I want to do something different. What is ‘Different’ and how do I understand that this is different?
Day’s passed by and a couple of years back, I have decided that I would want to do something different in area which touch’s each one’s life – HealthCare.
Now that I decided on the area, what to do next is the major question. I had loads of thoughts passing by, but nothing concreate or meaningful.
A year-and-half back, I was reading a book – Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, by Dr.C.K.Prahalad. I have heard about him earlier, but I have not read any of his papers/articles/books. I started reading and to my suprize, I finished the book in a month’s time (I understand this is long, but its short for me!). This is quite a different book – a compilation of case studies (probably we can call them short-true stories). These case studies are different. How are they different and what are the case studies are best understood in the book rather than on this blog 🙂
One of the case studies has given me a pointer to start framing my idea. After about a years work on the key points, Manish (my friend who shares a similar passion) and myself came out with a Business Plan.
In Feb 2006, we registered our Organization.
We took part in in two Business Plan competitions and we did recieve a good rating for our plan, but our implementation model was not well appreciated.

Part 2
With our implementation model not being practical enough, we have dediced to take things a bit slow. We concentrated on our regular jobs and have been quite busy.
Recently, I came across http://BarCamp.org (Read about this in Oct 2 issue of Business World) and quite impressed. I have decided that we should take our idea to this forum. Am looking forward for the next BarCamp in/around Bangalore.

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