Recently, I came across Stanford Social Innovation Review web site and I got to read they article on Social Entrepreneurship – The case for Definition which really interested me. I will not take this note towards explaining the site or the article, but will pen down my initial impression when I read this article by Roger L Martin & Sally Osberg.
It is really a case for definition. The article begins with a little introduction to Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, but actually concentrates in defining what “Social Entrepreneurship” is all about. If you think that you are going to get introduced to organizations like Ashoka etc, then you might be disappointed. The authors take you to a journey into defining Entrepreneurship and why is it passonating to “be there, and do that”.
It is worth if you personally read it than me trying to write in my own words.
I highly recommed each one to read this article. It is really worth it….