Shaping future of India
Shaping future of India

Shaping future of India

Yesterday, I read an article on Rediff, illustrating that Singapore ranks number 1 in Innovation and the US is slowing down on its speed. 

If you notice the eco-system trend, US has always been a proactive supporter of Innovation and Entrepreneurial spirit. Singapore has always been one of the best countries in the world which provides world-class education and ecosystem for Innovation. However, due to its size and other limitations, it has never got its due recognition. 

Now, I would like to share my views as to why we in India are not able to stand up to the demands of the growing needs of sustaining ourselves. 


As long as the history goes, we have not been proactive in nature. But, as time passed by, we have become more re-active than nurturing ourselves into being proactive. 

If you look at the great Indian Epic, Mahabharatha, Arjuna has not been proactive in the war. Lord Krishna motivates him and enlightens him on the need for the war and why he should fight. This trend existed earlier too, but it has gained a lot of momentum with this episode. Basically, we are the kind of people who need motivation and someone should show direction for us to move. 

Over the period of time, the trend continues. Our ancestors, parents and today we, would love to continue the same way. I am not saying this is wrong, but what we need today is the shift in our thinking. This cannot happen in a day or two, but the seeds of the thoughts need to be planted. 

We have read many articles on how other countries are looking at nurturing themselves to be in this global war for gaining economic independence. Even, we here in India have embarked on this journey. 

What do we need to do?

There are few things which I notice in my daily life and I would like to address them here for us to start thinking as to what we can do. 

  • Ask Questions – We are the kind of people who do not ask questions. We are from childhood taught to obey, rather than question back (to our parents, teachers, family, friends, colleagues, boss etc). Our general tendency and comfort zone is to follow rather than question and understand. We should start inculcating the habit of asking questions when we don’t know rather than just accepting what we see or hear. 
  • Share Information – Around 5 years back, one western in one of the mailing groups mentioned “Indian’s are eager to learn, but they never share their learnings with others”. Even though I had a tough conversation with him after that, I needed to accept that comment, because Yes, we do not share. I have been following various technological and recreational groups on Yahoo and Google. The general trend is that we ask, learn and keep the information to ourselves, but never share anything new what we learn. Why? 
  • Education System – Today, from a kindergarden school to University, we are taught everything. Opportunity to learn, explore and share what we learn is missing (I am sure it is existing in few institutions though). How many of us apply in our daily lives, what we learnt in our school/college days? I am sure, 90% would agree with me, when I say that it is almost negligible.
  • Aspirations – We aspire big, but when it comes to the reality of working on our aspirations, we tend to take a back step. Why? We are not risk takers. Always we have been taught to be careful. “Don’t take a risk, just play safe”. But, how will it be if we shift our thinking to “Take calculative risks”? Playing safe has been our motto and we continue to do so. 
  • Support – Unfortunately, we do not receive support in many things which we want to do. But, if you dare and aspire to do something different, you will receive support…. that too, only after you show success. 

We need to change our thought process and being to learn and share. I am sure, and I am seeing the change in quite a few areas, but still there is a long way to go.   

Do not always follow the path which everyone takes, instead, take a different one and leave a trial.

For all the above what I stated, if we are waiting on someone to come and change things for us, take it from me that it would never ever happen. We need to begin the Change. And as all great things are not accomplished in a day, even this change would take time, but I am sure, that each of us can witness the power this change would create for all of us. 

Jai Ho!

One comment

  1. Dear Hari:

    I am an American with a BPO and Animation company in Cochin since 2004.

    I have been reading a few of your blogs. I am very impressed at the degree
    of wisdom you’ve amassed in such a short time of your adult life. You are

    I have shared your blog, “Shaping the Future of India” with my leadership
    team in Cochin. This was the most succinct and insightful writing I have
    seen in a long time regarding the obstacles that face today’s upcoming
    Indian professionals and businesspeople. Now all we need is patience!
    Whether or not people embrace these observations, changing the business
    culture here will take time and turnover of much of the ‘old guard’ to the
    upcoming young ones. Just as any cultural shift takes time, this one will
    too. Keep fighting the good fight. There is latent potential in India, as
    a coal mine is hiding the more precious diamonds much further below the
    crust. Once the diamonds begin getting mined, there will be a critical mass
    begun toward this end that will be unstoppable.

    All My Best,

    Randy Bassin, President & Managing Dir
    Global Force, Inc.
    Global Force Productions

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