What I learnt while Running?
What I learnt while Running?

What I learnt while Running?

I did my first 10K this year (#TCSW10K), just because I wanted to push myself and participate in life and then there is no looking back. I wanted to run more. People around me asked why I was running and what makes me do it? My dad asked me if i was running for improving my health, my coach asked me. Why?
I started thinking. I was running earlier too, but just because I enjoyed the run. I could not correlate my running to anything specific, but just the fact that I really enjoy the time I run and the rest of the day is very healthy and positive.
I have been constantly in search for doing something different in life. Since my childhood, I wanted to “achieve” life. I don’t know How, Why, What and When? I started reading biographies and self-help books over the years, learnt how people became what they are and why they did what they wanted to do. But, the lessons learnt through the books have not given me the absolute insight. The only point I took away from reading was what they achieved. Even though i understood a little about why they did, I quite did not take away how they did it.
What I could underline in all my learnings is that to create a dent in this universe, one needs to have Persistence, Consistency and Commitment. Success is a by-product of these attributes in a person.
What I missed realizing is that while trying to understand how to “achieve” life, I was focusing on reaching milestones and I missed looking at the path I was taking. What I need to really focus on is “experiencing” the journey. What I mean by “experiencing” is that the journey of life is not about reaching milestone, but achieving what you wish to accomplish in a Consistent manner with Commitment and Persistence. It is a very fine line difference. Both are the same and end of the day you reach your milestone, however the journey makes the difference.
Let me illustrate with an example. As a student, we were always focused on getting first rank/high marks/grades to ensure better career prospects. When one is focusing on getting marks/grades, he/she misses the actual “learning”. This is exactly what I was doing. Learning is more important that mere getting marks. Because getting great grades don’t really teach you how to live life, but learnings do guide you to live life.
What I missed is the thin line difference of these attributes. This is the realization I have had during my run and this has changed my life. Simple. Isn’t it?
“When the student is ready, the master appears”.
I am from today, going to ‘experience’ life along with focusing on what I want to do and do it with Passion, Persistence and Commitment, because, only the crazy one’s who wish to change the world are actually the one’s who change it.
Here’s to a new beginning of life….


Anandayana 2015Anandayana 2015Anandayana 2015




Pic Courtesy – The Talented Photographer’s from Anandayana


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