

Everyday we see news articles and posts on Social Media about a lot of things. In my feed on Facebook for instance, for every 100 posts which come up, 60% are perception based which fortunately or unfortunately are “shared” and not supported with authentic data and mostly leave a negative mark.

In today’s world what we really need in “Perception with data” and this makes a difference.

What happens to just ‘perception’ not supported by data? This creates the negative impact. This impacts our thoughts and these thoughts hamper our actual thinking ability. What happens when your thinking ability comes down is that you turn to opinion based decisions. We all know that opinionated decisions hamper not only us an individual’s but also others around and this impacts the overall society, which has an adverse effect on the Country.

Media is a very powerful tool and we should curate it for a better living.

As Dr. APJ Kalam says “Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character; when there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home; when there is harmony in the home, there is an order in the nation; when there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world”.

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