Few months ago, a company in US raised their minimum wage to $70,000. Everyone is happy, but two of them quit.
What happened? They quit because others not so deserving colleagues have got a rise. For them, what was important is that they both should be treated differently than others for the contribution they bring to the team/company. But, the organization was thinking different.
Most of the time in our lives, we live by comparing ourselves to others and on the way we forget what actually we need. We tend to look around in the competitive world and push ourselves to achieve what others do and not what we want.
There were two instances which stand out in my life and I am very thankful they happened.
One – During my school days, there was a tremendous pressure for either becoming an Engineer / Doctor. I took a different path. I don’t know why it happened, but it happened. I was clear on one thing – I wanted to work with Computers and that fascinated me.
Two – When I came to Bangalore looking out for a job, I unexpectedly got an offer from the Testing Company. I spoke to my family and friends and most of them suggested that I keep trying and get into development. Somewhere in my heart, I was not too convinced. I sat down and thought to myself as to what I wanted to become. I went with the not so frequented path, and I thank God for making me do that.
Many of us go through these situations, all I am wanting to share is that go with what your heart says. Stop comparing/look at others. Out intuition gives us the answer and when we go with that, we sure will achieve what we truly wish and that will complement our skills. When we compare with others, we are actually not utilizing our skills, but trying to copy someone else.
Doing well and going great are not different things. When you do well, you do great.