In 2016, I quit my full time corporate job to start working on my own. I had an idea of building a consulting firm (even though my heart was in Products).
After few months of working from coffee shops, I stumbled upon a #coworking space which opened near my home and I subscribed for a Hot desk just to see how things would be.
Over the last three years, the scene of #Coworking has completely changed the landscape of Real Estate in India and all over the world.
Fast forward 3 years, with a lot of hard work, we are ready to contribute to how #coworking shapes the future with a SaaS product offering for #Coworking and #SharedOfficeSpace .
Market Growth/Bubble?
Real Estate has been the pillar of any economy and it will continue to do so. However, even real estate promoters are understanding the power of subscription offices. Today, 95% of commercial real estate is based on contracts of lease or ownership and around 5% (I am optimistic here) is becoming subscription based.
When all offerings from a Private Jet to your car are moving towards subscriptions, it is nothing but natural for Real Estate to also explore the possibility.
Enter #Coworking?
All organisation tend to adapt to newer models to cut costs and be more flexible.
#Coworking offers more freedom to employers and employees. According to resent researchers, employees feel more contended and powerful when they work in #coworking spaces. **Why?** Simple reason, they are no longer sitting in cramped desks or meeting rooms, rather occupy inspirational space in a cozy sofa / recliner / bean bag and most importantly they work in spaces with coworkers from many other organisations. They feel special and empowered. It gives sense of mental liberation and allows them to be more productive.
Take myself as an example. Even when I worked in the luxury of a personal cabin, I was not as productive as when I used to travel or once in a while sit in a coffee shop. Even today, as I write this, I am sitting in an airport coffee shop. I have been meaning to write this post for quite sometime, but today, when I just sat here to check my email, the idea just flowed in and I completed writing.
Technology in Coworking
When we started looking at technology, it has not evolved as much to cope with the speed of the evolving business models of coworking and shared office spaces.
Just as fish does not know it is wet, companies often Can’t see or feel the very opportunities they are swimming.
Enter aCubeNow®. We are a SaaS based technology provider to protect your business model with a concrete shell.
We focused on automating simple workflows of a #Coworking and #SharedOfficeSpace from managing the visitors, managing infrastructure, assets, business metrics and last but not the least, creating the experience for your clients/members. Along with this, our API’s work with your website to make it dynamically sell your infrastructure.
It sounds simple but automating Business Models is no joke and it only gets complicated as we get deeper and you expand your operations.
At the end, cutting costs, providing the experience and being the best is what anyone wishes to. What if we say we can help you save up to 20% of your operating costs within the first 12 months?
Don’t believe us? Write to us and we would be more than happy to walk you through what we offer.