the discipline of freedom
Books I recommend

Books I recommend

My interests in reading are in Memoirs of Business Legends, India, Poverty, Entrepreneurship and Inspiration. Here is a list of books which I anytime recommend for anyone to read.Where possible, I wrote small reviews of what I felt after reading…

Last updated on 11 Nov 2021

Most Inspiring…
Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid – C.K.Prahalad
The future of Competition – C.K.Prahalad, Venkat Krishnaswamy
Competing for the Future – C.K.Prahalad, Gary Hamel
The Google Story – David A Vise
Loosing my Virginity – Richard Branson
The High Performance Entrepreneur – Subroto Bagchi
The Arc of Ambition – James Champy, Nitin Nohria

Simplyfly – A Deccan Odyssey – Captain Gopinath

How to Produce Ideas – James Webb Young


The 10X Rule – Grant Cardone

Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion

Keep Going – Aston Kleon

Skin in the Game – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Lifelong Kindergarten – Ken Robinson

Platform Revolution (Read this if you are a Tech Entreprenuer)

Buy-ology – Why We buy, what we buy

The End of Poverty – Jeffrey Sachs
How to Change the World – David Bornstein

The Inspirational Leader – John Adair
The Monk who sold his Ferrari – Robin. S. Sharma
Leadership Wisdom from the Monk who sold his Ferrari – Robin. S. Sharma
The New art of the Leader – William A. Cohen
The mind of the CEO – Jeffrey E. Garten
…And Dignity for All – James Despain, Jane Bodman
Developing Strategic thought – A collection of best thinking on business strategy
The mind of the Leader – Harward Business Review
Execution – Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan
50 Essential Management Techniques – Michael Ward
The Leadership Engine – Noel M. Tichy

Entrepreneurship. Strategy, Innovation
Harward Business Review on The Innovative Enterprise
Enterprise Express – Nicolas King
The Mind of the Strategist – Kenichi Ohmae
Entrepreneurship, Strategies & Resources – Marc J. Dollinger
Innovative India – Radhika & Parmit Chadha
Entrepreneur’s Toolkit – Harward Business Essentials

Will it Fly? The Idea Tester – Carla Langhorst

Business, Economy & Markets
The World is Flat – Thomas L Friedman
Lexus and the Olive Tree – Thomas L Friedman
Freakonomics – Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
Emerging Markets – Nenad Pacek and Daniel Thorniley
50 Companies that Changed the World – Howard Rothman

Free – Chris Anderson

Direct from Dell – Michael Dell
Straight from the Gut – Jack Welch
Iacocca, An autobiography – Lee Iacocca
Business @ the speed of thought – Bill Gates
Einstein, The Life and Times – Ronald W. Clark

India 2020 – A vision for the New Millennium
The Elephant, The Tiger & The Cellphone – Shashi Tharoor

Good to Read
Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell
Blink – Malcolm Gladwell
Six Thinking Hats – Edward de Bono
Wings of Fire – A P J Kalam
Ignited Minds – A P J Kalam
The Alchemy of Desire – Tarun J TejpalReviews – My two cents on what I have read (not all books covered though…)

CHINDIA – Edited by Pete Engardio, Senior Writer, BusinessWeek
It is undoubted that the future of Global Business is going to be influenced by China and India. This book is for people who want to know the difference in cultures, thinking, people, economies and Business Practices. I highly recommend this book to gain good understanding and knowledge of why the world is looking at both of these countries 🙂

Winning – Jack Welch
Winning is a fantastic book for anyone and everyone. This is just not a management book, but a book which provides you with qualities every one of us should have. For people who want to take up Managerial/Leadership (Please note that both terminologies are DIFFERENT and each has a different MEANING) this is a Bible and you should definitely read it.

How to Change the World – David Bornstein
This book is all about Social Entrepreneurs. However, I recommend any entrepreneur to read this book. Qualities of Social Entrepreneurs, What is the difference between Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship?, are few of the topics in this book. A very good read to understand the qualities you have and what you intend to do?

Innovative India – Parmit Chadha & Radhika Chadha
This book is based on Paradigm India – a research by Parmit Chadha and Radhika Chadha. The book has showcased various parameters and aspects of Innovation and how do organizations & managers think about the same. I explicitly liked the case study showcasing how Innovation is driven by competetion. I am looking forward to read the concluding chapters of this book and understand how Innovation in India is different from others 🙂

The Art of Innovation – Tom Kelley
A very insightful book, I wrote about this read on my bolg, so am not repeating here 🙂

The Arc of Ambition – James Champy & Nitin Nohria
I really enjoyed reading every page of this book. Review on my blog.

Wikinomics – Don Tapscott, Anthony D Williams
An amazing book giving insights into how open source and mass collaboration brings people together. If you are an open-source fan and love to understand how things work, you will not stop reading until you finish. Its a breath-holding non-fiction..

The Ten Faces of Innovation – Tom Kelly, Jonathan Litman
Another masterpiece from Tom Kelly. If you have read The art of Innovation, his earlier book, then do not miss this one. An insightful book depicting the 10 roles which play an important role in an innovative organization.

Simplyfly – A Deccan Odyssey

An amazing read after a long time. In fact, after Loosing my Virginity, this book has kept me on my feet. I finished Loosing my Virginity in a week and now, did this book again in a week.

Captains life is truly amazing and inspiring for a common India. Coming from no-where, becoming a farmer to creating an airline for a common man and now to create another revolution in creating a logistic company, this book takes you through an amazing journey. Its definitely worth a read and as Dr. APJ Kalam wrote in the testimonial, this should be replaced as a subject in Management schools. I am inspired….

Will it Fly? The Idea Tester

A very simple and yet excellent insights into how you should test your idea before you take it to the World. Carla has provided very basic understanding and easy to follow steps to build up your dream empire.